Home » How Show Hidden Files on Mac

How Show Hidden Files on Mac

by Oren Smith
Show hidden files on mac

Are you looking for a solution to show hidden files on mac urgently? Or you have been facing storage problems and for that, you want to remove hidden files?

Don’t worry, we have a solution to cover both of these issues. Your both problems or issues related to hidden files that bother you will surely be fixed.

You will be definitely out of this issue very soon.

So. have you decided to resolve this issue on your own? That’s great! Doing things ourselves gives us super mild satisfaction and it feels like we win everything…

Do you remember what DR. Abdul Kalam says? He says “it is very easy to defeat but very tough to win”. What do you understand by this?

This means that to win is tough then defeat but he also says that “Suffering is the essence of success”!

So, without wasting time, let’s fix this very acute issue by ourselves.

Let’s be the successors.

About Mac

Apple created a seductive, astonishing and very impressive platform of computers known as Macbook. It’s really very stupendous having many creative and different features. One of them is that Mac has a feature to hide folders or files.

Some users don’t know how to bring hidden files back. Sometimes these files are not available at the time of need, sometimes they are not available to delete them due to storage problems.

So, because of this, they get into trouble. But let me clear you. It’s not a very big task to do. It’s quite easy.

This article is for you. It will definitely help you to get out of this situation.

Ways to Show Hidden Files On Mac

There are many ways to show Hidden files on mac but in this article, we are going to take a look at only 3 ways to fix this problem. All are very easy and will surely work. Try any one of them.

So let’s begin.

1. Show hidden files from the Finder

It’s called Finder because it helps us to find and organize your files. Finder also offers to view hidden files. Do you want to know how? Below steps will let you know easily.

  • First type the command, after that press ENTER.
  • Then, hold down the option key.
  • Click right on the Finder icon in the Dock.
  • Now, launch it for the changes.
  • Change ‘Yes’ to ‘No’ in the terminal to switch the files back to hidden.

Quite easy and simple, Right? Let’s have a look at the next effective way to resolve this issue.

2. Show hidden files through the shortcut

If you want quick access to hidden files this is the best and quickest method. It will take less time to act. The shortcut method is less time-consuming.

  • First, activate the Finder application.
  • Open the hidden files folder.
  • Now, simply press the Command + Shift + Period.
  • Now, you can easily find hidden files from here.

3. Show hidden file with the terminal command

  • Through the launchpad open the Terminal application.
  • Now, you have to copy and paste the following command into the terminal window and click enter.{defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true}
  • After that enter the next command.{killall Finder}
  • Then enter to finish.
  • Now you can easily see hidden files and folders on your Mac.

Some Benefits of hiding files on Mac

There are also some benefits of hidden files, as we all know there are pros and cons to both of everything.

If something is happening bad with you then something good will also happen behind it. Right? So, just have a look at some benefits of hidden files on Mac.

  • It helps to prevent important data from being accidentally deleted.
  • This is not used to hide confidential information as any user can view them.

We hope these points will surely help you to fix the hidden files mac issue. But also there were some users who are still facing this issue. Don’t worry. Never give up. Keep trying and trying. You will definitely find it and fix your issues on your own.

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